As most of us know, there was a very successful Game Night last night, July 6th. The scoreboards were open for two hours, and players competed for all of the allotted time until the leaderboards closed. Congratulations to everyone who won Game Night, as well as the people who participated!
- Asteroids: Beam
- Cho-board - Timnils
- Pinball - Lucas
- Mechanical Crab - Sherman
- Robofactory - Golfwang
- Space Racing - Walborn
- Garbage Collector - Camera
- Cow Mission - Arthas
- Tug O' War - Wehbi98
- Coins Rain - Luna
- Palm Tree Painting - Yosheh
- Checkers - Destrotant
- Chess - Paloma
- Sliders - Elthomii
- Nicho Racer - Theadoreme
- Chopix Quest - Bacachoo
- Sweet Battle - Juanifer
Congratulations to all the winners! All the winners received a game controller, 7 days of citizenship, and 10000 bugs. Congratulations again to everyone who participated in the Game Night, and I hope you had as much fun as I did! Remember that if you didn't win this time, Game Night is every couple of weeks, so stay tuned for the next Game Night and future competitions!
Have a great night!
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