
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fashion Show Recap + New Moderator

Hi Everyone,

As you know, we had a fashion show recently! For those who couldn't attend I thought I'd do a small recap with some pictures.

To make it short and simple, the fashion show consisted of tons of colors and magic, even a little bit of rain. All of the outfits were unique and amazing! I'd like to say congratulations to all of the winners. After the fashion show there was an announcement and here it is:

 For those of you who don't know,  a new moderator was added to the team. He's a good friend of mine and he has been working closely with the team for a while. The new moderator is.... Mike!

I just wanted to give Mike a big congrats on becoming a moderator. It's well deserved and I'm sure you'll be a great addition to staff.

If you see Mike be sure to congratulate him

That's all for now, 

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